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Raf Pintón Tomato

The authentic and unique RAF tomato from Almeria. We work to select the best RAF tomato from the field to your table in 24-48 hours!

The particularity of the RAF Pintón tomato lies in the ripening of the tomato in the plant. It is a tomato that should be consumed in the next few days after its arrival at destination due to its higher ripening point. Ideal for special dates such as Christmas and as a gift for those who can eat it on the same day or in a short period of time!

Weight N/A

Agrupalmeria Auction


From mid-August to mid-November


From the end of October to the end of June! depending on the year's weather.


Quality, Unique flavor, Sweetness-acidity balance, Crunchy texture

  • Contains vitamin C.
  • Low in carbohydrates and fat.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Protects and cares for the skin due to its high amount of antioxidants.
  • It has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties because it contains ‘tomatin’.
  • Helps to improve digestive functions.
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Prevents constipation due to its fiber content.
  • It has a diuretic effect due to its high potassium and low sodium content.
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Tomato season is over
see you in September!
