Mini Raf Pintón Tomato

Order your Raf tomatoes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to receive them within 24 hours. On these two days, the Raf tomatoes come directly from the field, and we prepare and send your order to your home right away. If you order on any other day of the week, it may take 48 to 72 hours.

The authentic and unique RAF tomato from Almeria. We work to select the best RAF tomato from the field to your table in 24-48 hours!

The RAF Mini tomato has a more concentrated flavor and a tougher skin. The availability is more limited, at the beginning, in the middle of the season and in the final stage of the RAF tomato plant, with a peak of flavor due to the nutrients that the plant has been acquiring during the harvest.

Weight N/A

Subasta Agrupalmería


Desde mediados de agosto hasta mediados de noviembre


Disponibilidad producto: Durante la campaña


Calidad, Sabor único, Equilibrio dulzor-acidez, Textura crujiente

  • Contains vitamin C.
  • Low in carbohydrates and fat.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Protects and cares for the skin due to its high amount of antioxidants.
  • It has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties because it contains ‘tomatin’.
  • Helps to improve digestive functions.
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Prevents constipation due to its fiber content.
  • It has a diuretic effect due to its high potassium and low sodium content.
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